Hagen Seifert
Hagen Seifert, a digital alchemist, blends hardware and software into powerful technological elixirs. Forged at ETH and tempered at Disney Research, his analytical prowess has birthed scientific publications and coveted patents. Driven by an insatiable thirst for knowledge, Hagen scales ambitious peaks, expanding his arcane repertoire.
A unifying force in multinational teams, his journey led him to sensoryx, where he now crafts motion tracking technology. From improved projection systems to autostereoscopic visions, Hagen's creations dance between tangible and ethereal, expanding the boundaries of human perception.
Tokens of Power
MSc in Science, Electrical Engineering & BSc in Information Technology @ ETH Zürich
360° Multi-Viewer Autostereoscopic Display - Research Associate @ Disney Research
MSc in Science, Electrical Engineering @ ETH Zürich
Research Associate @ Disney Research